Yearning for the escape of innocents

December 26,2012

Six persons who were released from Sittwe Prison (Remark- Date Setting of the camera is incorrect)

Six persons who were released from Sittwe Prison (Remark- Date Setting of the camera is incorrect)

We six persons had escaped from Sittwe Prison on December 17, 2012. Rakhines’ one-sided riot occurred in Jun spread to our Anautpyin Village, Rathaetaung Township. Mayyu River is in the east of the village, where we Rohingya ethnics live in, also enclosed by twenty two Rakhine villages.

On Jun 19 of this year, our surrounding Rakhine villagers and other Rakhine terrorists from different places vigorously and savagely invaded our village together, offending both murders and arson at 8 a.m. after they plotted thoroughly.

During defending against those Rakhine terrorists’ attack, many of our villagers were killed (martyred) as well as Rakhine terrorists might be killed. In this point, one factor I would like to highlight to legal sympathizers is that our villagers did not invade Rakhine villages for attacking at all and just protecting against their invading and assaulting. Let you know that terrorists (Rakhines) were only killed during our self defense. The nearest Rakhine village is just twenty minutes walk from us and most of the villages are about one to two miles away from us.

 The old Muslim detained illegally (Remark- Date Setting of the camera is incorrect)

The old Muslim detained illegally
(Remark- Date Setting of the camera is incorrect)

After terrorist attacks, over-30-man security squad from 538 Regiment arrived at eleven o’clock. On the next day, Jun 20 2012, police force came to our village and then arrested our innocent villagers. The arrested are about 200 including children, students like us and the elder. The policemen themselves tortured them and allowed civilian Rakhine terrorists to pound them too.

Later, we were sent to Sittwe Prison. We suffered from tooth breaking and serious injuries because of their severe torture again on the way. In this way, 175 villagers reached the prison.

We prisoners were unjustly taken into custody and beaten inhumanely. Hence, two among us were dead owing to that torment. Not only those brutal treatments to us in the prison, we were also hit by Rakhine people even in the court in the presence and absence of the judge. Are there such kinds of cruel torture in anywhere! We 175 detainees had to stay there helplessly and were banned not to see any relatives or friends as well.

Why we had experienced these sufferings! This is enough! Your conducts will certainly reflect you on one day! Definitely your turn will come!

We eagerly wish the rest villagers to escape from the prison as we did.

Six villagers freed from the jail are

(1) Muhammad Ayoob , son of U Abdul Hashinm, 18 years old
(2) Muhammad Aamin, son of U Jallal , 17 years old
(3) Abdul Rashid, son of U Gullah Husein, 58 years old
(4) Abdul Salaam, son of U Ali Ahmed, 30 years old
(5) Muhammad Einos, son of U Phaw Zaw Lauk, 35 years old
(6) Abdul Salaam, son of U Zaw Lal Dane, 58 years old

**This is the open letter of one who escaped from the illegal detaining to M-Media.
Remark- Date setting of the camera is incorrect.

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