Muslim houses destroyed in Rakhine Myae Pone township during night curfew

August 7, 2012

We got the reports by the victims that the Muslim houses were destroyed in Myae Pone Township on the 6/8/12 night. Illegal underground group called “Rakhine’s Power Comrade” had leaded and committed those crimes of destruction.

“Destruction of U San Thein’s house was started at 6:30 PM. Once after the town-lights were switched off at 10 PM, started to destroy U Kyar Aye, Ma Aye Nu, U Kar Lu, Daw Khin Hla May and Ma Khin Htwe’s houses.
One of the destruction victims, Daw Hla May was the Education Ministry staff, former Head Mistress of Katdown village Primary School, now serving at Taung Paw quarters Primary School.

“We heard the noises of destruction of Muslim houses but dare not go and look as the onlookers could be arrested with the false accusation of destroying or burning their own houses” said the experienced local Myae Pone township residence.

The local residents revealed that the illegal underground “Rakhine’s Power Comrade” group has connections with the Rakhine National Development Party. Currently that illegal gang is headed by Myae Pone Southern Town Monastry’s Abbot Sayar Daw A Shin Thirumani and controlled by U Maung Yae Chan, UK Photostat Shop owner U Kyaw Than and U Aung Tharzan from Rakhine National Development Party are controlling its activities.
“Just a few days ago, U Aung Tharzan, threatened the Rakhine Bama who bought 30 sacks of rice for the Muslims and they confiscated those supplies meant for us” revealed one Muslim from the group of Muslims with difficulty in getting food supply.

Authorities responsible failed to act or stop or prevent those illegal terrorist acts.

Source: Myanmar Muslim Net

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