March 1 2013
M Media

Photo: Kan Gyi Mosque which photo is distributed in social media and propagated to instill hatred against Muslims, is not located inside the compound of pagoda. The wall between these two compounds was teared down by illegal means.
There has been significant increase in anti Muslim incidents in Ya Mae Thin these days, the locals said.
“After the incident during football match, the condition became calm. However, on Feb 25 at 8 pm there was a preaching ceremony held in front of Min Kyaung School, Ba Ma Ka East quarter, Ya Mae Thin. Monk Wirathu preached there. The whole sermon is filled with anti-Muslim hatred. He said all the mosques are built illegally and we must protest against these buildings. This was on Feb 25th night.
Next day, Feb 26th morning, the Shwe Zee Gone Pagoda Management Committee and NLD members headed by Wirathu, entered illegally into the mosque which is located near the pagoda and barricaded by the authority since 2007. There, he said the existence of mosque within the pagoda’s compound indicates the weakness and fault of Township Management Committee and he continues anti Muslim hate speech.
On Feb 26th evening, there was a literature talk. U Maung Maung, Daw Paw Shwe, U Bhone (Chemistry) and Poet Nyi Min Nyo gave lectures. Poet Nyi Min Nyo talked only about literature, but the other three people gave hate speeches. U Bhone (Chemistry) said we must abandon all the Muslims from Burma. If not, Myanmar will become like Indonesia and Malaysia. He said as if Myanmar Muslims are Taliban. Daw Paw Shwe also said all Muslims are Bangalis who invaded into Myanmar recently. These all are hate speeches.
On 27th, some students from GTI distributed anti Muslim pamphlets. I received one. I will send that to you. Muslim youths made complaints to Township Management Committee and Religious Officer, but the Township Officer only reply that they reported these incidents to the authority.
I also would like to explain about Kan Gyi Mosque. U Tun Win knows detail and he can tell you everything.” said U Aung Aung from Ya Mae Thin to M-Media.
When M-Media asked about the mosque to U Tun Win, he explained
“Kan Gyi Mosque was built since 500 years ago. This is not in the Shwe See Gon pagoda’s compound, however the compounds of two religious buildings are next to each other. In 1994, Muslims house near the pagoda were evicted. It was done by Major Kyaw Kyaw Tun, head of Military Intelligent Unit 22. He is the husband of Ma Nwe Ni Aung, nephew of General Khin Nyunt. These Muslim houses are not illegal settlements. These existed since long times ago. Even at that time, they did not assume the mosque as illegal settlement. The mosque had its compound.
In 2006, anonymous people teared down the walls of the mosque. The Mosque Management Committee chairman, U Myint Tun and secretary, U Khin Maung who reported the authority about that incident were sentenced 6 months in prison. Chairman U Myint Tun died recently. The southern and western sides of the walls were crushed down but the eastern and northern sides are there till today.
In 2007, Township Management Committee sealed the mosque by giving a reason that the District Commander ordered to do so but not issued any document regarding this. It is not true that the authority issued the order to demolish the mosque. I will send the photos of the mosque before the walls were flattened”, U Tun Win said.