March 9 2013
Aye Maung
In Kyaike Htoo, after the preaching ceremony on March 8 2013, chairs from some Muslim shops were broken by anarchists.
It is reported that “969” members destroyed the chairs from Muslim shops after last night’s sermon. Such hate crimes happened not only in Kyaike Htoo but also in some other major cities in Mon State. Last 3 days ago, similar incident occurred in Bee Lin, Mon State.
Bee Linn “969” group is headed by monks and contains many lay people. They organize the preaching ceremonies in which anti-Muslims hate speeches are given. It became a ritual that Muslim shops are targeted and destroyed by the mob after such hate campaigns. They wear the white shirts on which their anti-Muslim symbol “969” is printed. They committed hate crimes and promoted anarchism.
The locals told M Media that the distribution of anti Muslim pamphlets, organizing hate sermons and distribution of the CDs of these speeches have been done for months. Muslims elders from Bee Linn reported these hate incidents to authorities. They also reported to New Generation Student organization, State Religious Affairs Ministry, two MPs from Mon State Parliament, Islamic Religious Affairs Council, Myanmar Muslim National Organization and others. However, no one can take any appropriate measures against these hate crimes. The locals complained that they don’t understand why the rule of law could not be restored.