3,500 Muslim Victims and Refugees Stuck in Meiktila

March 21, 2013

According to latest information received by M-Media before March 21st midnight, there are about 3,500 Muslim refugees stuck in Meiktila. Most of them are women and children.

At a quarter [undisclosed information for security], there are about 500 people. Among them, 100 are children and 200 are women and elders. They are hiding in fear as Buddhists are gathering there and making noises since afternoon. They are running out of food and water.

At another quarter, there are about 2,000 people (600 families). Communication lines have been cut. A resident told M-Media that he cannot contact the police department.

Another 1,000 people are stuck in the town’s soccer field.

According to a social worker, there are 127 people in the police station and 90 people at the hospital.


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