Racist leader monk Rev. Wirathu’s speech

Summary translation to English by Maung Zarni

March 24, 2013

Here is a must-watched Nazi speech (13 minutes) by Rev. Wirathu from Mandalay’s new Ma-soe-yein Teaching Monastery, with my rough but accurate Burmese-to-English translation of the gist of his speech:

Haul Ven. Wirathu, the regime’s fall ‘monk’ to The Hague and try him for openly inciting crimes against humanity.

“Moulmein will fall in to the hands of the Enemy (that is, Muslim), unless we can mobilize the (Buddhist) public’s force/strength.”

– Rev. Wirathu

1) the Buddhist public needs to adopt a nationalist mindfulness – in virtually everything we do (that is, we must eat, sleep, see, hear, speak and breath ‘(Buddhist) nationalism’.

2) but, to my dismay, i am finding out that our Buddhist public still lacks this nationalist mindfulness.

3) ‘they’ (the Muslims) do everything with this (muslim) nationalist mindfulness. On example, in the previous military era, they flocked to the generals and through their connections, they have captured the Construction boom/market in Yangon. They didn’t love the military or the generals. They collaborated with the military for their national (Muslim) interests.

4) then the (the Muslims) y approached and joined in large number the military’s USDA/USDP party not because they understood democracy or human rights. Quite the contrary, they are the most blatant violators of religious freedoms and other human rights.

5) when they saw the NLD as the party up and coming, again they shifted their allegiance to the NLD. one joke is that the Kwet-daung (the NLD and Burmese political emblem of FIGHTING PEACOCK) is morphing into a “Mut-daung” (Mus-cock – meaning Muslims with mustaches). (laughters from the congregation).

6) do you know that when Aung San Suu Kyi returned from the USA, she only rode in the cars that belonged to or were provided by the Kalars (or niggers). So, when the Rakhine crisis broke out, her lips were sealed because they were about five or six benefactors around her who are ‘niggers’. She could do nothing (for the Buddhist Rakhine).

7) Min Ko Naing? What could he do for the Rakhines?

8) I see Yangon or Rangoon is at the risk of falling to the Kalar’s or Muslims’ hand. Rangoonites, you must beware of this danger.

9) in Moulmein, a bus company named Raza-min is owned by a Muslim. I was told that the owner did not allow the holding our annual Buddhist religious ceremony called Ka-htein (or Ka-hti-na). Why? Because the Muslim owner considered it just a waste.

10) our Burmese politicians are unable to stand with either the Buddhist public or protect our Buddhist faith.

11) I fear they (Muslim enemies) are increasingly taking over important positions in politics, society and so on.

12) I have learned, one NLD office was forbidden from holding the cooked rice offering ceremony in commemoration of the death of our national martyr – Bogyoke Aung San. Because the landlord of the NLD office is a Muslim!

13) again there is a bleak future for our country when important positions such as MPs or chairmans are occupied by ‘them’ (Muslims). they do everything from ‘their’ nationalist (Muslim) perspective.

14) That is why, we must all adopt this ‘969’ (Buddhist) nationalist mindfulness. 9 stands for the 9 special attributes of Lord Buddha; 6 for the special attributes of his teaching/Dharma; and 9 for the 9 special attributes of the Sangha or Buddhist Order.

15) we must do business or otherwise interact with only our kind: same race and same faith.

16) your purchases/money you spent in ‘their’ (Muslim) shops will benefit the Enemy.

17) they take our women.

18) in Rakhine State, with their populaton explosion they are capturing it. And they will capture our country in the end.

19) so, do business with only shops with ‘969’ signs on their facets.

20) (then this Fascist monk elaborated on the price war between the Muslim-owned Razamin busy company and other presumbly Buddhist owned bus companies) and scolded the Buddhist public who went for cheaper fares from the Muslim bus company).

21). if we lost this economic battle (against the Muslims) then they would use the capital or seed money provided to them by Saudi Arabia.

22) if we the Burmese (Buddhists) are concerned about lower costs only then theEnem’s power (and wealth) will only rise.

23) even if you have to spend a little extra for doing business with our own kind – Buddhist and Bama – consider that extra cost as your contribution to our race and faith.

24) once we won this battle we will move on to other Muslim targets and we must keep on moving our (Muslim) targets.

25) now Moulmein is about to fall into the Enemy’s hand, or the hands of the Kalars (niggers), that is, of course, unless we fail to mobilize our Buddhist public’s force.

Video is available


Credit: Maung Zarni

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