Fire at Nget Chaung IDPs camp in Rakhine and Burmese netizens’ abusive comments kept growing online

12th Dec 2013


Fire reported at Nget Chaung IDPs camp in Pauktaw, Rakhine State this afternoon. BBC Burmese stated that all the houses were on fire and a child died in fire.

There are more than 1300 displaced Rohingyas living in this camp and fire ripped all 34 wood tents. Each tent has got 8 annexes. One of the refugees said fire was started by cooking.

It started around 2 pm and last for 3 hours. Nothing remains in the camp.

Though it is said that the fire was an accident, BBC reported that local polices have started cause investigation.

As usual, Burmese netizens have never failed to give abusive comments under BBC Burmese news shared on social media.


Khine Khine Zan, a Bumese netizen and a medical professional wrote, “I wish all children died, why only one!” and that was liked by 5 other people.

Wizayar Linkarra, he seems like a monk, wrote “Dog Kalars! Set fire by themselves”.

These abusive comments keep growing, reported by a m-media online correspondent.

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