Short biography of Al Haj U Aye Lwin, Burmese National Volleyball player and Islamic Scholar

19th December – 2013
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Photo: U Aye Lwin with medals he won in National and club matches

U Aye Lwin was born in the city of Ta Yat in 1949. His father is Wunna Kyaw Htin Dr. Ba Khet (Burmese Independence honor recipient) and mother is Daw May Yu, the headmistress. Since he was studying in English Methodist school (Now B.E.H.S 1 Dagon), he has been actively participated in sport activities. He was a team member of school badminton team which won the gold medal in all schools badminton competition.

He was introduced to volleyball in 1963 when his family moved to Aung San city where his father served as deputy headmaster of Health Assistant training school. The first volleyball team he played for was Aung San Youth U-18 volleyball team.
During students’ sport fair in 1965, he was selected for Yangon Division student volleyball team. In 1967-68, he was selected as Yangon Division volleyball player. From 1968 to 1972, he played in various Burmese volleyball clubs: University volleyball team, Trade Ministry volleyball team, Train Ministry volleyball team and Construction Ministry volleyball team.

He won 5 gold medals and other medals while he was playing for National team and club teams. During the time he was playing for Burmese National team, he could not participate in some oversea matches due to the exams at university. At the same time, he also volunteered as a coach in different volleyball teams including military and civilian teams.


He served as the member of Myanmar Volleyball Federation. During 1990 SEA game in Thailand, he was selected as the supervisor of Myanmar national women’s volleyball team.  He translated the International Volleyball Rules into Burmese language.

When he was attending Master final year in 1971, he applied to fill a position (third secretary) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He stood 4th among 1000 applicants in the written and oral examination. Subsequently, he was selected for the job. However, being a Muslim and being nephew of U Rashid, a member of U Nu’s cabinet, he was diverted to a less important department. He declined to accept the offer and joined the Diplomatic School Yangon in 1976. He established the Physical Education department there and till now, he is serving as a Head of Physical Education department. Currently he is also taking the position in School Management Committee.

Now he is living at Room no. 27, Compound 19, Yaw Minn Gyi Road, Dagon Township, Yangon with wife Daw San San Tint, son Dr. Nay Linn Aung and daughter Dr. Lwin Lwin Khine.

Source (MMM- Myanmar Muslim Media)

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