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KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 (Bernama) — The emergency rule imposed on the Rakhine Region of Myanmar following clashes between Buddhists and Muslims last Friday is expected to be lifted in a few more days, Myanmar Ambassador to Malaysia U Tin Latt said.

“Our President has declared a period of emergency rule on June 9 as the authorities struggle to contain explosive sectarian tensions following deadly clashes between Muslims and Buddhists in the region.

“But our government will take an action on it and we hope it will be calm in two or three days,” he told reporters after attending a luncheon of Asean heads of delegation with Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman, here.

Meanwhile, Anifah said the Foreign Ministry had not issued any prohibition order on Malaysians travelling to Myanmar.

Media reports said the Myanmar president had declared an emergency in the region bordering Bangladesh following clashes last Friday in which seven were killed while 17 more were injured and hundreds of houses were razed.



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